

New Rules

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GGA Rules

As demonstrated by Russ Albertson  

Rule #1:  Approach Ball(s) with Caution

Rule#2:  Choose Closest Ball

Rule #3: When in Doubt...Hit BOTH!!!!


Doc 'HollyHood' Biggers


Don Galorneau

Dennis Kubas

Tim Shinney

Randy Biernacki

 Griff Golf Association (GGA)

Rule #4: Use GPS Range Finder



Rule #5: Stay Close to the Beer & the Latrine

Rule #6: No Out of Bounds

Rule #8: It's OK to swing like a girl

Rule #9: Get out of the way when Russ and Randy

are making a Beer Run!


A Day of Griff Golf is better than a day without...


Thank you Don for coordinating our Griff Golf Tournament